Wal Thornhill – An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century – EU Workshop
Cosmology is the “Queen of Science”
Cosmology is defined as the study of the origin, history, structure and dynamics of the universe. As such it provides a global context for both our science and culture so that cosmology is sometimes called ‘the Queen of the Sciences’
The Big Bang never happened
But despite the media hoopla, there is no real cosmology at the beginning of the 21st century.
Plasma Cosmology
Recognized by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Based on the work of several Nobel Prize winners and nominees over the last century
Many successful predictions
ignored by astronomers!
A Dark Age of Cosmology
In 43 historical entries on cosmology in Wikipedia, plasma is mentioned in only one!
Modern entries focus on “creation of matter,” unreal geometries, invisible (dark) matter and mysterious “dark energy”
It has nothing to say about life in the universe — it’s all accidental

Einstein’s Flawed Legacy
Science took a wrong turn in the 1920s and 30s
“Everyone who takes relativity seriously …believes in the reality of at least one direction in which one cannot point.” — Don L. Hotson
E = mc2 is the best known and most misunderstood equation in science, showing that mass and electromagnetic energy are directly related
But mystification resulted when the earlier concept that related mass to “quantity of matter” was unconsciously substituted
Einstein bequeathed us a disconnected, incoherent universe that cannot function or give rise to life.
Mathematics is not equal Physics
Mathematics may describe observed behavior but it cannot explain it. Having mathematical laws of physics does not equate with understanding of those laws
Unless the physicist can explain the meaning of each symbol on the board in real physical terms and in plain language, the equations have no real meaning
Modern Physics is Useless for Cosmology
Modern physics has NO concept of how matter manifests mass
It has no physical explanation of gravity
it insists that light can be a particle or a wave
And that em waves can travel in total vacuum
Quantum theory is “not even physics”
Particle physics is “not even wrong”
Michael Faraday

The long and constant persuasion that all the forces of nature are mutually dependent, having one common origin, or rather being different manifestations of one fundamental power, has often made me think on the possibility of establishing, by experiment, a connection between gravity and electricity … no terms could exaggerate the value of the relation they would establish.
—Michae| Faraday, 1850.
Sir Oliver Lodge
..what is really wanted for a truly Natural Philosophy is a supplement to Newtonian mechanics, expressed in terms of the medium which he suspected and sought after but could not attain, and introducing the additional facts, chiefly electrical - especially the fact of variable inertia - discovered since his time…
—Nature, Feb 17, 1921
Matter and Mass
Mass is a measure of the ease of electrically deforming a particle
The energy stored within a particle is electromagnetic
Large particles are easier to deform and so appear more massive
The neutrino has almost no mass - it is the most collapsed form of matter
Real meaning of E=mc2
Energy, mass and the speed of light are all properties of matter
Electromagnetic energy is stored in the orbital structure of subatomic particles and manifests as their mass
The mass of a particle is a measure of how much energy is absorbed in orbital deformation of a particle instead of its acceleration
Energy requires the presence of matter. There is no such thing as “pure energy”
Electromagnetic radiation requires the presence of matter — the aether. There is no ‘total vacuum’ anywhere
The speed of light is a measure of the inertial response of orbiting matter to an instantaneous external electric force. It is characteristic of the material medium
An ‘instantaneous’ electrical connection implies a universal time
… therefore …
The neutrino has almost no mass because it is the most collapsed and least interactive form of matter
A plenum of neutrinos forms the universal aether. It is the medium that transmits a transverse electromagnetic wave in ‘empty’ space
A light wave spins successive neutrino dipoles. So the speed of light in a ‘vacuum’ is related to the rotational inertia of a neutrino
Anti-matter is a misnomer since matter cannot be destroyed. Matter and its electrical “mirror” combine to form a neutrino and radiate most of their combined orbital energy in the process
A neutrino may accept electromagnetic energy resonantly to separate into its component particle and “mirror” particle
… and …
The bending of starlight by the Sun is due to refraction in an extended ‘atmosphere’ of weakly gravitationally bound neutrinos
Neutrinos may reintroduce cause and effect to radioactive decay
Quantum effects are due to the resonant substructure of subatomic particles
So called “spooky, non-local” quantum effects are due to instantaneous resonant transfer of information between subatomic particles via the longitudinal electric force
… finally …
Coherence at all scales requires a near-infinite speed electrical interaction
The local universe is ‘connected’ in real time by the electric force, the most obvious manifestation being gravity
Information is held in matter resonances
Living systems make use of information held in matter resonances in real time
Big G is Constant?
Big G has the peculiar dimensions of length cubed, divided by mass and by time squared ([L]3/[M][T]2)
dimensional constants like big G should not appear in the laws of physics
If mass is an electrical variable, big G cannot be constant (as observed)
- Stellar and planetary structure and composition are derived based upon the erroneous conviction that big G is a universal constant!
What Causes Gravity?
Radially oriented electrostatic dipoles are formed by most atoms inside the Earth with the inner pole positive and the outer pole negative
The electric field within the atom distorts the subatomic particles to also form tiny electric dipoles
It is the sum of all the aligned subatomic dipoles that produces the weak force of gravity

Charged Planets

Gravitationally induced dipoles set up an internal electric field - the planet becomes an ‘e|ectret‘
Like a subatomic particle under the stress of an accelerator — the internal electrical stress sets the apparent mass of the planet
the extreme weakness of gravity (10-39 the electrostatic force) is due to the minute distortion of subatomic particles in a gravitational field
Catastrophism’s Massive Problem
Velikovsky’s suggestion of an electromagnetic model of the solar system fails because the planets and the Sun are effectively electrostatically shielded from each other
But if mass is a variable, can it explain cosmic billiards?
Crucially, electric currents may flow through conductive plasma between planets
It is here that the EU model meshes with the plasma universe
Electric Sun Confirmed
NASA’s IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft found a bright, winding ribbon of ENA’s of unknown origin
The Sun’s Z-pinch is aligned with the local galactic magnetic field
The ENA’s come from solar wind ions meeting the Z-pinch current cylinder
Evidence of the particle accelerating polar double layers is arriving
Order out of Chaos?
Each planet is a small cathode in the solar discharge with a cometary plasma sheath
There is an intermittent circuit for transferring charge from the inner planet to the outer when they are aligned with the Sun
If the charge transfer is in the correct sense it will induce the planets to move apart into orbits having electrical ‘least interaction’
Quickly, it will appear as though the system operates according to Newton’s laws, with no sign of recent instability
Venus as an archetypal comet now has the most circular orbit of any planet
Halton (Chip) Arp

Discovered redshift does not signify the speed of recession!
The universe did not begin with a bang!
Found redshift is mainly a measure of the youthfulness of an object
Quasars are associated with nearby galaxies
Found quantum redshift effects on a galactic scale!
Quasar Mass Gain
A quasar is formed by ejection from the plasmoid at the centre of an active parent galaxy
Neutrons and protons escape first to be followed by a jet of electrons
As the electrons reach the quasar, charge polarization increases
The quasar increases in mass and brightness and slows down to become a companion galaxy
See also: