Prototype of a Nonlocal Immaterial Computer

In a universe which seems to be physical, but it’s based on mind rather than matter, nonlocality is the natural state of all subject before they become objects. Without a relation in space between different objects, the only thing which remains for a thoughtform created in near future is only it’s relation to time.

It’s the year 24 of the New World. The last 20 years we cleaned up our planet from the pollution of the old wicked system. For everyone of us it was like to experience the old 70s and 80s, a time like a golden era. Without the bad influence of old world and it’s spirit we was finally able to breath “fresh air”. I cannot describe how it is to live here in a time of rebuilding a new society, new science, new art and have real peace and security. Our mind is now so free from every kind of fear and worry, that we reached a new level of awareness and higher focus.

Some of my old friends told me that this particular time remembered them of the 1980s because of the fact that they have to rebuild and relearn computer technology. In order to print the “new scrolls” and additional literature we used computers we’ve found in the ruins of the old cities. But this technology could not last forever, because the silicon chips wears at atomic level and we have now no industry anymore which could produce new ones. It was exciting to throw away all the old operating systems and to develop from scratch operating systems and software which was free from every kind of security layers, because in a world without crime there was no need for such things. Therefore our software was 10 times faster and much more stable. With a mind freed from all that ballast, programming became a real pleasure.

But we got one little problem. We needed a alternative to the silicon chip, something which could last longer than 20 years. We solved the problem temporarily by lowering the voltage and running the CPU slower, because time was no problem anymore in the new world. Even if they would last say for 100 years or even longer, eternity is much longer than that. So how could we solve the problem without to rebuild a industry, when we even have abandoned the very idea of it?

I was swimming in the lake near our house as I suddenly remembered a idea I got in the old world. Let’s build a immaterial computer.

Our world view changed a lot during only two decades. All brother and sisters who got big interest in science agreed that it is the mind what is real and fundamental. Therefore everything is based on immaterial and nonlocal entities, thoughts, memories. We generate time and space as a framework for communication. Time makes only sense to us because there are states which are in themselves not complete, tending towards completeness, and their probability for a change is higher than zero. And space is the spatial relation between objects which makes only sense inside this framework. Without particles there would be no space and time flows only if there are states which are not complete. We began to understand how the mind forms the physical world.

How could I create just one immaterial switch, like a transistor, but not made of atoms of any kind, just a immaterial “Ding” which persist in time only and with a interface connected to the space?

A immaterial computer would not require maintenance or a power supply, but how could we build one?

I found the solution in pure mathematics and how mathematics related to our mind. For example a computer needs a crystal oscillator for generating the high and lows of a frequency. Without it no calculation operation can be done. Our mind follows numeric sequences as long as they make a sense. For example when I write on a piece of paper the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 … our mind would complete the sequence by adding … 7 8 9 10 11 … but only as long as it’s principle is understood. Let’s say I would create a immaterial oscillator in my mind with a simple number sequence as 1 2 3 the oscillator would stop to work after a millisecond, because it is too simple. So it would require a higher complexity. I thought of a fractal puzzle, something which would add more and more complexity if required and so never stop to generate the frequency for our immaterial CPU.

After some years the first oscillator was started and it could be accessed by our mind. Other people could access it too, but their “counter” initialized with zero. Then it was obvious that the interface already existed. Our DNA was such a interface which could access immaterial databases and perform calculations on quantum level. From this day on a new era in computing started. We found a way to “upload” software through our DNA to the immaterial computer and after the tasks was calculated in no time they returned again through our DNA in form of probability fields which was deciphered by special interface technology at nanoscale. The interface to a monitor for example was build through bacteria which received the task to build up nanostructures for emitting light. Our first prototype of flat screen build by bacteria required 3 years to “grow”. After that we had a monitor with a resolution higher than 10K and it could recharge it’s own batteries through solar cells which was build also by the bacteria.

What sounds like science fiction may become one day reality, as most part of science fiction technology became reality in our time.

See also:
