Joe Cell Transmutation
Cleanliness & Transmutation
BJ and Joe have observed that a small sample of certain substance placed in the cell will be duplicated over a period of hours when electricity is applied to the cell. BJ has seen this with a couple of dozen compounds including sulfuric acid, alcohol, CFCs, and Mango fruit. Given enough time (e.g. around 24 hours), and the proper current and voltage, a substantial portion of the water appears to transforms into the introduced element, carrying all its properties. “Some kind of hydrogen replication effect on an atomic level,” BJ conjectures.
One time, BJ observed one of his engines run on a small volume of gasoline that was being created on the spot. This was witnessed by a mechanical engineer, who, for the hour that the engine ran, checked numerous times for possible sources of fuel. The engine would have run for maybe two to five minutes on the amount of fuel that was present. The CO/CO2 and other emissions were definitely the product of petrol combustion.

“The engine will not run on proton energy until every last drip of petrol has been consumed, or else it will continue to run as though petrol were being supplied to the engine even with fuel lines disconnected.” Some petrol can be trapped in the corner of the fuel filter and remain for extended periods until it finally evaporates.
Considering this apparent transmutation phenomenon, it is important when assembling the cell that you try to be as clean as possible. BJ cleans his stainless steel with methylated spirits, and wears cotton gloves while assembling the cell.
He thinks that not doing this is most likely why many Joe Cell researchers find scum build-up in their cells. It is a replication of any crud that was introduced during assembly, or that was contained in the water. One must especially stay away from grease and oil, including the natural oil/grease from fingers.
Obviously, this effect alone, if real, opens an entire field of study with far-reaching ramifications. While one might not be able to replicate anything larger than a molecule, it could come in very handy for inexpensively producing perfumes, drinks, fuels, and other liquid commodities.
The electrolytic capacity of the water will change as the water is transmuted, becoming more conductive, requiring a modification of the input voltage and current to maintain an optimal level and avoid heating.
Source: Proton Cell
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